History of Operating System

Posted on 8:17 PM | By MOHD NOOR RIZAL BIN ARBAIN | In

First Generation (1945-1955): Vacuum Tubes and Plugboards
- No programming language nor OS
- Machine language
- The use of plugboards, punched cards
Second Generation (1955-1965): Transistor and Batch System
- Introduction of transistor
- Fortran, Assembler
- Batch system

- Offline system:

- Operating System usually used:
FMS (Fortran Monitor System)
IBSYS (OS for IBM 7094)
- Example of FMS job structure:

Third Generation (1965-1980): ICs and Multiprogramming
- IBM 360 for scientific calculation (i.e numerical) and commercial (i.e character-oriented)
- IC (Integrated Circuit)
- Introduction of multiprogramming
- Introduction of SPOOLING (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line)
- Introduction of time-sharing
- Development of “computer utility” Þ machine that supports hundreds of timesharing users
Eg: MULTICS (Multiplex Information and Computing Service)
- Development of minicomputer
Eg: DEC PDP-1 until PDP-11
- Development of UNIX (Uniplexed Information and Computing Service)
Fourth Generation (1980-now): LSI and PC
- LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuit and chips consisting of thousands of transistor Þ birth of PC (Personal Computer)
- User-friendly software
- Dominant Operating System:
MS-DOS, Win ME, Win NT
Unix, X Window
- Network Operating System
- Distributed Operating System

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